William, William Monthly Updates

William 19 Months

My Sweet Little Bood!

This month just flew by! I didn’t take one single note so this may be a shorter post.

This month it felt like we turned a big corner in your relationship with Lexi. I think you are starting to learn to play with each other instead of constantly being at each other’s throats. For the first time ever, Lexi requests to stay home and play with you instead of running errands with me, or she only wants to come with me if you’re coming too. Don’t get me wrong, you two still fight like crazy, but you also really love to play with each other too. You love to play legos, ride on the horse, play squinkies, chase each other, play trains, kick balls, play catch and watch Mickey Mouse together. You refer to her as ‘sis-tar’ and ask for her when you wake up or point to her things and say ‘sistar’. When you are both playing outside at school you find each other on the playground and give hugs and high-fives through the fence.

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You’re attempting to say many more words and point to objects or actions in books and tell me what is happening–like if you see a someone lying down you point and say sleep. At school this month, the theme was transportation so you have perfected the word bus and point out every single bus, boat, car and truck we pass on the road. When we pass a boat, you’ll call out boat, and quickly follow with ‘papa’ putting together that papa has a boat.


You are turning out to be quite mischievous. I thought I was going to be bald from pulling my hair from three straight days of messy situations. Day 1, you climbed onto the table and got into the stamps Lexi was playing with and smeared blue and pink all of your hands and tummy and feet (which makes purple of course). Then you proceeded to come find all of us upstairs. However, you still crawl up the stairs on your hands and knees, so there were two full blue, pink and purple handprints on every single stair. Day 2, I mistakenly left a full 24 oz smoothie on my nightstand. You got into it and tipped the entire thing over onto the carpet and then proceeded to jump in it like a puddle (which it was) so it splattered everywhere. Then you ran from our bedroom into Lexi’s so again, we had footprint smoothies across the entire upstairs floor. Day 3, you climbed onto Daddy’s desk chair and then onto his desk and reached behind the computer to find some pen type markers. You then proceeded to color with blue, purple and brown marker all over your hands, feet, legs and stomach. Unfortunately, you didn’t stop there, you also drew all over the carpet on the stairs. You are fantastic at drawing straight lines because there were tons of them. Thankfully, your Daddy found some magic carpet cleaning powder (resolve powder) and we were able to scrub everything out. I failed as a mom during these moments as I only took pictures of one incident.  IMG_7391

One of my favorite moments of the month was playing outside with you and the cozy coupe car. You bring it into the garage and then stand behind it and run down the driveway while pushing it. This thing gets smoking fast and I have to stop you about 3/4 of the way down the driveway because I don’t think your legs can move fast enough and you’re going to faceplant. But you love this activity and burst into giggles when I stop you and request ‘more’ or ‘again’.


As it has gotten darker in the morning, you are starting to sleep in later. On average you wake up around 7 to 7:30 and even slept past 8 one morning–heaven! You go to bed around 8 or 8:30 and take about a 2 hour nap each day around 12:30ish.


    • Playing in the bath and blowing bubbles and splashing


  • Reading ‘Little Blue Truck’–which you call Beep Beep, Goodnight Moon, the animal book, guess who, my first 100 words and any book with peek-a-boo flaps



  • Playing outside (slides, running, pushing your cozy coupe, bubbles, chalk, throwing/kicking balls)



  • Going for walks!!



  • Playing trains, pushing (or riding) the truck, playing in the cozy coupe inside.



  • Watching Mickey Mouse clubhouse–which you just call mouse



  • Jumping on the couch



  • Playing ‘bomb you’



  • Riding the horse



  • Puzzles!!



  • Fruit snacks (as soon as we get in the car after school, you immediatly begin asking me for ‘snacs’





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