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Kate 3 Months

Little Beatle,

About half-way through the month, we were at the Dr. getting Lexi’s ears checked and the nurses asked Lexi and William, ‘What is your baby sister’s name’ and they responded, ‘Beatle’. I had to quickly remind them that it is a nickname and her real name is Katelyn. To which they both started to argue with me that your name is Beatle. So like it or not, I think this one may be sticking around.

3 months old and life keeps getting better and better. You are sweet and mom’s irrational thoughts and fears have diminished (or shifted to something else) as you are full of smiles. You look around and try to find the source of noise and can easily identify your mom, dad, brother and sister and love to give us smiles. I also think we’ve gotten a few little giggles out of you. You like it when we tickle you or bring your toes to your nose. There are also lots of coos and conversations to be had. I’ll say something, and you’ll coo back, and I muster some other noise out behind my ridiculously huge smiles (from your sweet noises) and we’ll go back and forth three or four times. Love these sweet innocent moments–just soothes my soul.



You’ve started to show interest in your light-up, song-playing star on the playmat–which was a favorite toy for both of your older siblings. I have a hard time figuring out when to put you on it. If I do it after you eat, you spit up a lot and then lay in your spit up. But if I wait too long, you’re too tired and crabby. Lexi and Bood are convinced that you can play with toys and regularly give you things to play with while your eating. Your head control has gotten pretty strong. You bobble around a bit, but I can put you on my chest/shoulder and you keep your head up or you will snuggle into my shoulder and suck on it. You love to be held and carried. I’ll put you in the Mamaroo or the bouncer and you’ll start squawking, but as soon as I come into sight you stop. Occasionally, I’ll pop a pacifier back into your mouth, but about half the time you’ll spit it out and start crying when I walk away. You are a little socialite.


Sleep is still pretty good, not as good as it was though. Most nights you wake somewhere between 3 and 5 and then you usually wake up for the day between 7 and 8, even if you don’t need to be fed. You continue to cat nap throughout the day for 20 – 60 minutes and still nap between each feeding. You love to have a blanket wrapped around the back of your head and on each side of your face, it just soothes your little soul. Naps are usually taken in the rock n play and night time is in your crib, swaddled. You got too tall for the newborn swaddles so we had to move up a size and we only have cotton ones of those and they stretch a lot so it is really challenging to get you tight enough–which is why I think you’ve started to wake in the middle of the night more frequently.


Eating for the most part is going pretty well. You nurse every 2.5-3 hours to the minute during the day. However, we’re in the process of figuring out a new rhythm now that I’m back at work. You’re wanting to drink 4-5 ounces of milk in each bottle, but I’m producing about an ounce less than that each day. Also, I have been working shorter days, so you only need to take 2 bottles, but I don’t think that is going to fly when I’m back to working a full 8-9 hours a day (plus my commute) so I may need to add another pumping session, we’ll see. I’m also hoping that we can get you sleeping through the night consistently because, duh, mama wants good sleep and then, I’ll have more milk to pump in the morning before I leave and we would be in better shape. I definitely do not have the stash of milk like I did with Lexi and William. I’m really praying I’ll be able to nurse you all the way through like I did with the other two, but time will just tell I guess.


Also interesting observation–you almost NEVER fall asleep nursing. You’ll pretend like you’re sleeping but the moment I move, especially to burp you, you wake up. You’re also a constant mover, like you’re brother. You’re always nuzzling your head and moving it around while you’re sleeping.

Which leads me to the next big major milestone. I’ve gone back to work. Cue all the whining from me. I shouldn’t whine, because overall, I really love what I do. I would say my exact role is in transition right now, but I do get really energized by the work, which is awesome and makes it a million times easier to be away from you munchkins. If money and health insurance and big things like that didn’t matter, I would for sure be home with you guys, but you do get to be home with your daddy, which is so awesome on so many levels. So I’m going to go ahead and tell myself to zip-it because in the grand scheme of things we as a family are so lucky to be in the position that we are.


No major updates on the two big kids. They are still so beyond in love and obsessed with you, and it is so sweet. Lexi will only run errands with us if you’re coming with us. You’re also her top priority each morning. She wakes up and comes in and asks where you are. The moment she hears your little cries, she is asking if she can go see you. I hate to even say this, but she is almost a little too overboard with you. She wants to see, hug and kiss you so frequently, she often wakes you from your naps, which really drives me bonkers. You seem to think they’re pretty great too as you give them lots of smiles. Daddy has caught some great ones with you and them.


Other noteable things about you at 3 months:

  • You like your bouncer and do OK in your carseat. The mamaroo is hit and miss. Most of the time, you don’t like to move, but do OK if you’re just watching life happen around you.
  • Your legs are starting to fill out and have stated to get little rolls on them.
  • You still wear a size 1 diaper and are in 0-3 month clothing. They’re still pretty spacious on you, but I think they will start to get too short pretty quick.
  • You poop about every 4-5 days and when you do, you’ll poop like 4 times in a day. I think we’ve had 3 blowouts so far.
  • You do pretty good putting your head up on tummy time, but you like it less than you used to as you almost always start crying in the first 2 minutes or so. We probably don’t put you on your tummy as much as we should. Similar to your back, you always spit up a bit.
  • Most people comment that you look like William. I think it’s the eyes. You both have big beautiful eyes! (you also have a beautiful completion and are just a really pretty baby)
  • You still love that pacifier, but aren’t quite as dependent as you were last month. You regularly spit it out and just hang out without it.



kate 3 months 1kate 3 months 2

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